About Us
The Summer Solutions series are published by Simple Solutions Learning, Inc., a staff of experts, including former teachers with a combined experience of more than 200 years. Our staff has taught all levels from pre-school through high school and college, and we know the importance of repetition and sustained practice throughout the school year and throughout summer break. At Simple Solutions, writers, editors, proofreaders, and others work together to create summer workbooks that address material required by State Standards. Summer Solutions workbooks differ from most other summer bridge books because Summer Solutions uses a proven strategy that ensures long-term retention.Summer break removes children from their regular academic schedule for up to ten weeks, which is too long, according to education experts. Teachers, parents, and researchers agree: summer learning loss is real, and in the absence of academic activity, children lose up to two months of reading and/or computational skills over the summer. As a result, teachers spend as many as six weeks or more re-teaching the lost skills in the fall, and that delays the introduction of new material. Parents know this, and that is why they are constantly looking for ways to keep their children academically engaged over the summer months.
We have created Summer Solutions as a natural extension of Simple Solutions, a strategy that combines solid instruction with a type of retrieval practice and on-going assessment to ensure learning for a lifetime. Students who use the Simple Solutions Approach in their classrooms have made tremendous gains in their learning, confidence, and standardized test scores in mathematics, language arts, and other subject areas. Furthermore, anyone can gain these benefits from using Summer Solutions, whether they have used Simple Solutions or not.
Simple Solutions Learning, Inc. has worked diligently to make the ordering and delivery of Summer Solutions as easy and affordable as possible. We stand behind our products, and we are here to support parents as the summertime teachers of their children. If you do not find what you need at our website, please contact us by email or through our toll free number: 877-382-7537.
Read about us in Today's Catholic Teacher
Contact Us
Summer Solutions24755 Highpoint Rd.
Beachwood, OH 44122
Phone: 877-382-7537
Fax: 216-382-5898